The Gun (1974 TV Movie)
Some might find it preachy and be forewarned.
16 March 2017
I own a few guns, so you would think I might not be a fan of "The Gun" because it has a message that seems to be anti-gun. Michael Karol in "The ABC Movie of the Week Companion" said that "the NRA wouldn't like this movie"...well, maybe. I took the message to be NOT guns are evil but stupid people should never, ever own a gun...and the many folks who come to possess this gun are a real smorgasbord of stupidity!! First, you have people who buy a gun but aren't trained and are afraid of it. Selling it back to a store wasn't a bad idea...but then the gun is illegally sold to a maniac and the gun gets passes on and on...even in one case a total idiot throws it and the bullets into a dumpster to get rid of it!!! Crazy.

I didn't find the film unfair or preachy and it was well acted and constructed. Plus, several times people COULD have been killed but time and time again something least in most cases. Fair and worth seeing....just understand if you get easily offended by things that seem anti-gun OR you want the film to be very clear and intense in its condemning of guns, you will be sorely disappointed.
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