Scorpio (1973)
Winner not a winner with this one!
20 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Alas, this one turns out to be a muddled, rambling and confused spy "thriller", despite its interesting cast and some great action sequences filmed against some really fascinating locations. Director Michael Winner is certainly at his best in the action spots (although it should be made clear to intending patrons that some of these sequences have a brutality that they may find offensive).

Another problem with the script is that its anti-CIA theme with its collection of disillusioned spies is now somewhat old hat.

Maybe the cycle of successful movies started by "The Ipcress File" and "The Spy Who Came In From the Cold" has now well and truly run its course. We have been exposed to spies who came in, spies who stayed out, spies who pretended to come in, spies who came in but then changed their minds, spies who played both sides, and spies who didn't intend to come in but were forced to do so.

Enough is enough!
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