25 March 2017
I hadn't heard of this until I came across it looking through films on Netflix and gave it a shot because I liked the premise. Who doesn't enjoy a good train robbery story?

I was immediately pulled into the story through the two titular characters. Deidra and Laney get along as siblings tend to do - that is, not always well, but they love each other, and the two actresses had great chemistry in this regard.

I never once felt bored during this movie. I was always rooting for the main characters, on the edge of my seat wondering how they'd get through certain situations, and found myself laughing a few times at some good, funny moments. There's also one scene in particular that really tugs at the heartstrings; it was well-done and a gave a great bit of emotional impact to the film and its characters.

Phenomenal performances from everyone, but especially to Nicolet, Murray, Crow, and Zamata. Definitely a must-watch if you enjoy this kind of premise, and movies about teen girls learning to grow and kick ass.
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