Review of The Path

The Path (2016–2018)
I've given up half way through season 2, very lazy writing.
28 March 2017
Season 1 was OK with some brilliant moments in between. Until the end of season when there were some illogical behaviours (aka assigning an event to a character not bothering to make it believable)... But all in all it was OK.

Season 2 went downhill very very fast. It's become obvious that they have no idea what they are doing and how to develop characters. They are just throwing stuff at us that make no sense half the time. This in turn undoes the characters believability. The series are supposed to be a drama and all about why people does this and that... But what I see is people just doing random stuff... It's very lazy script writing and not even the actors can help it any more. They gave it a good try but there is just so much they can do with what they are given.

Where I left it was also very obvious they want to keep things mysterious and undefined in order to make the show last longer. It's also obvious that when they have no plot they just create some situation/conflict without giving it much thought to (try) distract and entertain (poorly) the viewer.

I fear they will drag on until canceled and everyone who stuck with it in hopes to reach a conclusion will be disappointed. And that's why I just gave up. I have no wish to see the characters devolve more and more into the ridiculous, knowing I'll probably never get any satisfying ending. IF this ends not being canceled and feedback about its ending is positive I MIGHT come back to it. But I think it won't happen and only positive reviews will be motivated more by people being a fan of one of the 3 leads than because the story itself was worth anything.
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