Formaggio Castle
15 April 2017
This is a one hundred percent cheese fest that's delivered straight to your eyeballs by a guy on a moped.

It all begins when two women think they can just stroll into their local castle just because the front gate is opened and then somehow act surprised when a crazy guy with a really wonky looking face captures and kills both of them.

For some reason the local policeman thinks they died of exposure when their bodies are found dumped later, but a Doctor who has just returned to town with his daughter thinks differently, as does a guy who seems to have spent the last twenty years looking for his missing girlfriend.

His missing girlfriend looks exactly like the doctor's daughter, who of course has been dreaming that she is the missing countess. Her dad brought her back to the town and the castle to rid her of the dreams somehow for reasons I couldn't quite figure out. And obviously someone is out to kill her.

That's enough plot! The first twenty minutes or so of this one are rather good (including the trippy credits), but then you have a bit of a slog through the comedic romance bits between the daughter and some reporter guy, although things pick up again when old wonky face gets involved.

No creepy housekeeper in this one though, although it does throw all sorts of 'haunted house' shenanigans at you which is always most welcome, for me anyway. It's not hard to guess what's going on though! There's a person that keeps turning up dressed as a knight, and they don't even bother disguising their voice.
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