Tall, Dark and Deadly (1995 TV Movie)
A well-paced thriller
20 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoiler Alert***

The opening, slow-motion scene seemed too much like one of those overly-done dream segments--a common tactic used in such films. Would such a graphic photo of a corpse be shown on the front page of a newspaper?

True, Kim Delaney was believable in that she kept her head for the most part, managing figure out how to escape from her shackles and to utilize various diversionary tactics to elude her pursuer.

I thought, however, that the slow pacing and deliberately anticipatory background music in the police station scene where Kim realizes that her assailant was in fact a cop was a dead giveaway because the "surprise" was telegraphed to the viewer too soon. I knew almost immediately what was about to occur. Instead, they should have had Kim open his office door and upon seeing him seated at his desk, gasp: "You!" and then run from the building. But, of course, that would have eliminated most of the subsequent drama.

I must admit, too, that I took great pleasure every time the nasty cop was dealt a solid whack and made to suffer his clearly painful injuries as he stumbled along in his thankfully fruitless pursuit.
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