Review of Thin Ice

Doctor Who: Thin Ice (2017)
Season 10, Episode 3
Thin Ice
29 April 2017
The Doctor and Bill have landed in Regency London during the last great frost fair on the Thames.

Bill enquires about the ramifications of treading in the past but when a little street urchin falls inside the icy river and devoured by an underwater chained up beast which excretes some kind of explosive poo, the Doctor only cares about retrieving his sonic screwdriver from the child's hand before the lad plunges completely into the water.

An appalled Bill asks how many people has the Doctor seen being killed. We know the it is in the millions. The Doctor answers 'I don't know,' 'I care but I move on.'

Bill then asks the Doctor if he has ever killed someone. Again we know the answer, millions. The Doctor is still reluctant to answer, we know why he always moves on so he does not have to look back.

Lord Sutcliffe was the hissable villain of the week, he had no empathy for his fellow man and his racism led to a punch in the face from the Doctor.

Sutcliffe also controls the beast for his own ends, although the story was simple, the early part of the episode was just a bit slow to get going. The production values and photography though were top notch. Mist was craftily used to cover up the limitations of the sets, for interiors, canvas and tents were deployed and the underwater sequence with CGI were rather niftily done.
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