Review of DEFCON-4

DEFCON-4 (1985)
First half good but then it happened .......
29 April 2017
What starts off as a reasonably interesting sci-fi, suddenly morphs into "Mad Max" nonsense on a zero budget. It's as if all the money was spent on the space stuff, and then the rest was filmed in a junk yard to finish things off. The strong writing of the beginning gives way to dark shootouts. and stupid dialog. Rarely does a film so suddenly descend into oblivion like "Def-Con 4". I really liked everything right up until the astronauts began digging their way out of the half buried space capsule. Once outside, other than the welcome appearance of Maury Chaykin, everything is totally unacceptable from an entertainment perspective. My conclusion is that for a low budget sci-fi, there are far worse out there, but the missed opportunity here is regrettable. - MERK
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