Review of Thin Ice

Doctor Who: Thin Ice (2017)
Season 10, Episode 3
Amazingly bad story, and more cognitive dissonance than a religious political conference.
30 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, the Doctor lands in the 1800s and the first thing you notice as a viewer, is the intense level of "diversitywashing" / history re-writing going on. You know, that one that pretends to be on the opposite of the racism and discrimination scale, but doesn't tell you that the scale is a ring and it's touching the other end. As if the polarity of one's reality distortion would matter… If they want to show us different cultures, why not have an episode play in an actual normal African place for a change? If they can make it fake-snow, they can make it fake-sunny too. After all, half the point of watching this show, is for the unknown and insights into other ways of living and thinking. That would've been a lot more fun. But hey, at least it may fulfil this job for Nigerians and people in India, so there's a silver lining. :)) (I don't mean that in a sarcastic way.)

THE STORY unfolds to some huge sea creature, whose size can apparently vary from an animal that passes between the narrow pillars of bridges without touching them, over a huge whale/dinosaur that would definitely wreck those pillars, to as long as the entirety of the Thames that passes through London and as thick as 70% of the Thames. Which is held captive by the most stereotypical of 1800s imperialist/industrial nobility. Complete with hat, moustache, henchmen, and comically oversized detonator to push down while angrily clenched teeth. For the purpose of eating poor street children and (literally) shitting out space rocket fuel. Everything in-between was a rather chaotic mess, as usual, with the motto of 'dazzling people with "there's something happening" for lack of anything touching or of memorable relevance'. You are left with a wasted 44 minutes and barely anything but emptiness inside where an impression should be. Talk about thought-terminating clichées!

The only good thing was a bit of nice Doctor-Companion character-development interaction, and "the door" at the end. (Which suggests strongly, that this was a filler.)

THE AESTHETICS are exactly the same as always with such stories. The one's we've seen from Guy Richie's Sherlock Holmes to Star Trek "holo deck" episodes. As if the same costumes have been passed around for generations. Just this time without the usual gritty visual filters. (Remember: It wants to appeal to children.)

ALL IN ALL, there was nothing to leave a lasting impression, except for a mild disappointment in the hate shown by the writers, and mostly by how little it impressed. No matter who you are, or what your views are… this will be the same for you.

But at least, they minimized the risk of "offending" anyone. And that's what it's all about. (Although I'm mildly triggered by them breathing and there being a a sky. Why are you non-breather shaming and mole people shaming?) }And *that* /was/ sarcasm. :}

FINALLY, it looks like the next episode is even going to be worse, with the utterly worn-out "haunted house that eats people" story template.

___ P.S. Dear IMDb: Unamerican English is not wrong, square brackets are not markup, and when I make line breaks, I make them for a reason!
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