Evil Things (2009)
Another hour and change wasted
8 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts out with a familiar enough premise. Friends going on a road trip from the city to the Catskills, in this case to celebrate the birthday of one of the girls and guess what? Yep one of the guys feels the need to film everything along the way and you get the usual "Are you going to film everything"? type complaints which every one of these movies seems to have.

Along the way they notice they're being followed by a van (for no apparent reason of course) and they all start to sort of freak out. They stop for food where yes again they see the van.

Their destination happens to be this huge house (in a very remote area of course) which belongs to the birthday girls' aunt. When they get there the power is out. The aunt then shows up to turn it back on and at no time do they mention being followed since the girl claims her aunt is "very over protective". Anyway, that night they film themselves eating, drinking and being silly. The next day they go for a walk in the woods where they get lost...only to find their way back. This is where the whining of the girls (one in particular) starts to become insufferable.

I won't bother with any other details, suffice to say the intruder(s) show up and bang at the door etc. They leave a video tape which shows that the group was being filmed the whole time.

I realize in order to make these film one of the characters usually has to film everything going on. I just wish they gave a better reason why this has to happen. Especially later in the movie when they're running for their lives.

Also, I don't like the whole you have to imagine what's going on while the characters are screaming like banshees. I want to see something "scary". Considering the budget apparently was over $300,000 you would think they would have been able to come up with something (how on earth this movie could have cost this much is beyond me).

Finally, this movie has more high pitched screaming than any I can remember and man is it annoying. Near the end of the movie I found myself hoping they would get killed just to shut them up as I wished the movie would end. Brutal!
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