Old Yeller (1957)
Old Yeller Review
14 May 2017
So lets just jump right into this review. Story: The Story in the Old Yeller film is surprisingly Entertaining I expected this film to be boring but it is also Charming and Just one note if you can't handle watching animals die this film is not for you. Characters: So lets start off at the main character witch is travis he's a good main character and has a lot of character Development. then there's Old Yeller who is a pretty good character also. the only character that may be considered annoying is Arliss he's just annoying when he lies and whines and throws rocks at travis his Brother. Conclusion: so in conclusion this is a sad and entertaining film if you enjoy another film called the Shaggy Dog you will enjoy this. Personal Score 7/10

Critic Score: Story: 7/10 Characters 7/10 Overall Critic Score 7/10
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