Review of Up for Love

Up for Love (2016)
Small but with a big heart
15 May 2017
Digital effects and camera tricks have come a far way. Someone most definitely took a page out of the LotR and Hobbit movies on how to shoot a normal sized person with others, for the prior to appear like a small person. And it's nice to see someone as charismatic as Dujardin struggling because of his size. You see it does matter after all - or maybe it doesn't? The movie will provide the answer.

Public perspective may not be everything, but it's not shallow if you do care about the people around you and what you look like. Of course it is way more important to feel good about yourself in the first place. It that isn't the case, you are not even halfway there. It's nicely build up and while we go through the (expected) motions, we can still have fun watching this. Not a great movie, but a nice one ...
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