SciFi but no real science and nonsense fiction
19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The script of this low budget (no one could afford a scientific adviser) film consists of an incoherent jumble of misused terminology with a side story that the main character's wife is going to have a baby (no mystery here - we know how that happens). The plot says that Denker created this thing (it's called an element in the script) by bombarding serranium (a fictitious element name) with alpha particles for 200 hours. Note that this was done in his clandestine laboratory above the local appliance store. Now we find that magnetism and radioactivity, two unrelated phenomena, are the result of this creation. It magnetizes stuff around it but the magnetized stuff behaves in odd ways. The source is found to be above the ceiling but the metal objects move horizontally across the floor or counter. So they catch up with Denker with the stuff in a briefcase and store it in the cyclotron for safe keeping - wrong. That's not what one does with a cyclotron. Supposedly, this thing has the ability to absorb energy and convert it to mass (a great misapplication of the Einstein equation E = mc(squared) and so the cyclotron gets destroyed when it goes through one of its energy absorbing episodes. Whether it is one atom getting bigger or one atom making other atoms we are not told, only if no one can stop it the Earth will be ejected from its orbit. This is so bad. Never mind the ending. Along with the misapplication of scientific terminology the makers of the film want us to believe that the plane carrying the thing to Canada changes from a T-33 Trainer on the ground to a F-86 Saber jet after takeoff in the air. It shouldn't take much to realize that error and to correct it but no. In conclusion, don't pay money to see it or the time for that matter unless you get your kicks out of watching things that Mystery Science Theater 2000 would pan. I can't believe that so many reviewers actually thought it was good.
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