Like Crazy (2016)
mashup of 'One Flew Over...' meets 'Wild Tales' meets....
20 May 2017
if you take any of the episodes in 'Wild Tales' & expand it to 118 minutes,you have the premise of this latest by Paolo Virzi('HUMAN CAPITAL');where Valerie takes the place of Bruno(Vittorio Gassman),a worldly wise nutjob who mentors another struggling mental patient to escape the nuthouse,& score free meals at restaurants, on a road trip w/ a similar car(Lancet Aurora Sport?);notice every time the car breaksdown(gas,flat tire, blown head gasket), a new one mysteriously pops up for the taking?

Almodovar(Spanish),Matteo Garrone(Italy),Virzi(Italy),&Christian Petzhold(Germany)are able to milk the human condition more accurately than their celluloid Hollywood blockbuster counterparts. Virzi planning to film a send up to period dramas?Valerie Bruni Tedeschi, & micaela Razzamotti are inmates who escape a lunatic asylum near Leichester estates,& don discarded clothing to masquerade as Michelle Dockery as Lady something-something, & WREAK HAVOC on the waitstaff?; a Groucho Marx send up: 'A NIGHT AT THE DOWNTON ABBY'?;

Anyways, investigators have found traces of a 'wild-tales' accelerant used in the firestorm comedy, Almodovar, & Virzi, once legitimate filmmakers,now on the lam(serial comedy arsonists?); if you see these fugitives at large,contact your local Cannes Film Festival FBI office.. ..HUMAN CAPITAL=insurance companies,using google search algorithms can calculate insurance settlements,calculating the deceased's net worth in compensation claims, taking into account the victim's education level,years of employment, relevant job skills, emotional bonds within the community, any past criminal history, number of siblings,or surviving family members; reducing a person to a commodity?>>
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