Power Paandi (2017)
Pa.Paandi is all about Raj Kiran's stellar performance and Dhanush's sensible direction
24 May 2017
Pa.Paandi (2017):

Who wouldn't wait for a star hero's directorial debut.Dhanush's Power Paandi aka Pa.Paandi is one such project which raised expectations since it is announced.So how is it?


Power Paandi is a story about retired stunt master Power Paandi (Rajkiran) living with his son Raghavan (Prasanna), daughter-in-law Prema (Chaaya Singh) and their two children Dhruv (Master Raghav) and Shaksha (Baby Chavvi). Power Paandi is a person who always gets himself into some social causes, in one such instance it becomes a policecase and his scolds him, then he decides to go for bike trip which leads him to his first love Poondhendral (Revathi).

Plus Points:

1)Raaj Kiran: Pa.Paandi is Raj Kiran's show all the way.His power packed performance is the best part in this predictable entertainer.He has this spark which makes us care for him in pity,pride,romance,comedy and action sequences.He excelled in role of Paandi and in action scenes too.

2)Direction: Dhanush may have chosen nothing special as his debut,his direction is flawless.He managed to garner attention from audience from scene 1 itself.

Minus Points:

1)Predictable narration: Even though the movie is entertaining,still it is so clichéd and predictable.The story of old person neglected by family and loved only by grand children is seen in lot of movies.

2)Flashback: Even though Dhanush and Madonna shines in this part,it is so boring and dragged beyond a bit.

So,Pa.Paandi is all about Raj Kiran's stellar performance and Dhanush's sensible direction.

My rating 7/10
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