The Story of Mankind is certainly fascinating to watch if not always very entertaining depending on what you get out of it...
30 May 2017
For years, I read about The Story of Mankind as one of the worst movies ever as cited in the book "The Fifty Worst Films of All Time". I also had a copy of Henrik Van Loon's book of the same name it was based on which I just read. It was updated to the '80s, the copy I had. So having read the book, I went to the Dailymotion site and watched the movie. It has an interesting wraparound segment with Ronald Colman representing the good side of Mankind and Vincent Price representing the bad side in court before Judge Cedric Hardwicke. Then we visit the various historical segments. Virginia Mayo as Cleopatra is perhaps one of the most inane of those though I got a hoot out of Agnes Moorehead as Queen Elizabeth I. My main interest was seeing The Marx Brothers in one last film together. Only they're not together here: Chico is an adviser to Christopher Columbus, Harpo is Sir Isaac Newton who plays his harp for the last time on film, and Groucho is the guy who swindled the Indians out of Manhattan! Appearing with him in that segment was his then-wife Eden Hartford as the Indian daughter Laughing Water. His daughter Melinda also appeared in a separate segment as a little girl. Both Groucho and Harpo are pretty funny while it's amusing just recognizing Chico when he's on. Producer-director was Irwin Allen doing his first of his all-star productions though this wasn't as epic-laden as his subsequent disaster movies of the '70s as the frequent use of stock footage here exhibits. In summary, The Story of Mankind is not even a good movie, but it's certainly interesting to watch for the way certain attitudes were presented at the time concerning the way history was viewed at the time. P.S. For anyone who thought Harpo wore a blond wig, it must have been quite a surprise to see him wearing a red one in this-his only color film appearance!
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