Doctor Who: The Daleks (1964)
Season 2, Episode 5
A solid build up, with good references to the past.
7 June 2017
The Doctor a Ian now prisoners of the Daleks learn how the Earth was conquered, meteor showers, followed by a deadly virus. The Daleks sat, waiting to attack a weakened Earth. They also learn that the Daleks are mining Bedfordshire for something.

The Daleks craft looks very effective, it's also great to see multiple Daleks, not just two. Lots of extras too, I imagine this was a very costly project, and answers where the budget from other surrounding stories went.

Something very chilling about the Dalek messages to the rebels, there was a definite attempt to recreate the propaganda messages that poured out from the Nazis. They also managed to create a very bleak future Earth, one ravaged by plague and disease. The band of unlikely rebels are also given a bit of story, although they're perhaps a bit too clean cut looking.

Some nice references to the past also, with mentions of static electricity, although it's made clear that as a timeline of events, this encounter with the Daleks happens many years prior to the events of the last encounter.

The story continues to develop, some great themes. 8/10
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