Nicely awkward and subversive comedy
1 July 2017
Courtney and Brittany are talking very frankly about their sex lives, when the focus turns to their other friend Millie, and how she is doing in that regard. When it transpires that, shockingly, Millie has nothing 'going on' in that area, and never has, the alarmed friends realize that she must be the last virgin left in LA, as peer pressure, young Hollywood, and reality television has got to all the other ones already. With the clock ticking they try to get Millie sex as soon as possible.

There is a base of realism to this film, which then opens up into fanciful satire of social norms when it comes to sex. I'm told there was once a time when having sex before marriage was the thing that would raise eyebrows and get people talking, now it is more the opposite situation in the west, where being a virgin past a certain age is the surprising thing. So it is here that 3 girls probably in their early twenties talk about length and girth with a casual tone like they were noting that rain was coming. This new norm is well established and instantly recognizable, and it leads the film to a world where the idea of those people being oddities and outsiders actually makes sense – so that from there it is only a small jump to the extreme of them literally being hunted.

While the excess provides a hook, it is the awkwardness in Millie that makes the film work; she is convincing in how she feels pressured and also how the final choice of the film is actually one she can consider. This aspect is well delivered, and even though I am well outside of the featured generation and experience, it worked for me and made me understand and go with it. End result is enjoyably awkward and subversive.
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