Review of Paula

Paula (2017)
Far-fetched miniseries
1 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a BBC miniseries that was shown in three one-hour episodes. It was filmed in Belfast but is set in Dublin. It is about Paula, who is a teacher at a boys' high school. She is single, lives alone and is having a part-time affair with a married colleague, Philip.

She has a one-night stand with James, a man whom she hires to rid her basement of rats - he lives with his two partners and the children he has with them. He wants a relationship with her, but she doesn't want any more to do with him. James tries to blackmail Philip, which results in a fight that leaves Philip dead. James goes missing. A fight between James' two partners results in one binding the other up and locking her in their cupboard. A police detective, Mac, investigates. He starts an affair with Paula and and rescues the woman in the cupboard. James attacks Paula in the toilets of a restaurant. Mac rescues Paula, but then James stabs Mac.

The makers of this miniseries made a mistake in having a plain, dowdy, unlikeable protagonist. Its difficult to believe that men would be crazy about someone as unappealing as her. It's also very difficult for the viewer to like or care about her.

Paula finds out she's pregnant, but we don't know who the father is.

Paula drugs and kidnaps James, then buries him alive in a wooden box - with a tube for air. It ends without us knowing what might happen after then.
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