3 July 2017
I saw the movie yesterday and it was very interesting. It was definitely not that bad like almost everyone says it was. It was a good 🎥 but there was also A LOT missing. Demetrius did a great job with what he was given no doubt. You got to see from different perspectives, they only got 2 hours to screen it for the world so I saw that a lot scenes were cut. I wish there was certain scenes. I could make a whole essay on what was missing. But I ain't tripping, it was okay but it didn't give me that feeling in the end like 'wow'. I think when the directors cut comes out then we actually get to see the real movie. I heard first time they edited the movie it was like 4-3 hours long so you can imagine they had to cut a lot. 25 years of a man who lived a life of 10 men it's hard to squeeze that into 2 hours. This movie was missing their mission, but it's all good. I liked it I want to see the directors cut with all scenes.
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