More please!
9 July 2017
As a long time MST fan, I was both excited and a bit apprehensive about a reboot of the show. And upon first watch, it was a kinda "weird"... voices and things being different and all... but those feelings quickly disappeared, and I have completely fallen in love with this show! The original show had its great episodes as well as the mediocre ones (many mediocre ones, if we're honest), but with the new show I feel like its got its great episodes as well as ones that aren't quite as mediocre as some of the original ones were. And the couple really great ones... easily on par with the best of the original (e.g. Prince of Space, Puma Man, etc).

Some other reviewer have said that there's too much talking, too many zingers, like they packed too much in... but I didn't get that at all. I thought the pace, content, zingers etc. were balanced really well throughout all the episodes. The fast-ish pace worked really well for me, and kept me consistently entertained with very few boring lull moments.

In short, this show is a blast, there are no episodes I find myself skipping whenever doing a re-watch, and it has exceeded my expectations by a long way. I REALLY hope this is the beginning of many more seasons to come!
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