Twin Peaks (2017)
psychological trick
12 July 2017
David Lynch claimed that it was a mistake to reveal the murderer in the first seasons in Twin Peaks and that he had rather left the question unanswered. This worries me when seeing this series now, when he is in total Control. There's no question that he is a very able director. Previous films has shown this (not all of them though). What worries me is that he has found out a very cheap trick and is milking it for all its Worth. Why do we find detective stories or who-done-it stories so interesting? Well, that is what nourishes our minds. Lynch found out that we can keep the interest up for a long time if we pose intriguing questions. When we then fail to deliver any sort of answer will not mean much, so Lynch seems to have thought, I'm afraid. If so, then what saved him Before were the producers that did not allow him a director's cut and insisted on some kind of answer. I hope this is not the question with the present series. Intriguing questions have been posed in abundance already and although they are also visually intriguing, I'm afraid that is not enough if that will be all. I hope this series will not end in a magnificent catastrophe, but so far I cannot tell. The real brilliance is not in the question but instead in the answer, even if it is insufficient. The answer Always shows you where you stand and where you are heading. It may be naive but it is Always honest.

Well, my worries proved to be correct. There are no answers here at all, not even naive ones. The catastrophe is now a fact. Lynch made The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet and Wild At Heart. That's impressive. Especially the first 2 films are. Then he discovered something about the human psyche and how it is drawn to mysteries and used it in Twin Peaks in the first 2 series that, in a way, are just as bad as this one. The answer brought in the final of series 2 was a pretty desperate one, a twenty-five cent answer to a million dollar question. With this series he does not even provide the twenty-five cents, which, in a way, is kind of cheap.
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