Two-thirds of the movie had no mermaids...
21 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Initially I must admit that the idea of killer mermaids seems a bit interesting, especially if you are familiar with the myth about the nymphs and sirens. I like that myth and concept, so of course this movie had some appeal to me. However, it was with absolutely no expectations to the movie that I sat down to watch it.

Now, the movie starts out rather alright with some deaths very early on, but leaves you with a question about why this would be about mermaids. Then the movie settles into a little bit too comfortable pace in itself, it would seem, and it loses momentum and becomes somewhat mundane and mediocre. The movie does pick up some pace again once the people get out to the Island, but even then it is still rather slow paced and bland.

Director Milan Todorovic spend a little bit too much time on filming and showing rather pointless stuff, such as an extended dance scene for example, which served no purpose for the movie, and could essentially have been cut down tremendously in time and still accomplish the exact same thing.

I wasn't familiar with anyone one the cast list, and I do like watching new actors and actresses on the screen, because there is no association to them to previously portrayed characters and roles. People in this movie were actually doing quite good jobs with their characters and roles. So thumbs up on that accomplishment.

I have seen three different titles for this very same movie, "Mamula", "Nymph" and "Killer Mermaids", depending on where in the world you find the movie.

The special effects in the movie were actually quite alright, although the movie was fairly sparse in displaying and making use of special effects. For better or worse, that is a matter of personal preference, of course.

"Mamula" turned out to be something quite different than what I had anticipated after having read the synopsis for the movie. I can't say that I was positively surprised with the outcome of the movie, because it was just a very bland and mediocre foray into the horror genre. And it was very wrongly advertised, because the mermaid was hardly a focal point to the story and wasn't even present for most of the movie. In fact the movie would be better advertised with a title like "Fisherman's Frenzy", as most of the killing was done by that guy.

All in all, then "Mamula" was somewhat of a disappointment, and it turned out to be a mediocre movie, even for a horror movie.
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