Wish there was a bit more of Crosby to understand why he gets it.
25 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wynne Gibson is fascinating as always in this B murder mystery and gets some of the best dialog as she plays a hard-living dame who tries to escape New York City as a murder investigation for the allegedly sinister doctor who kept her gets underway. She was involved with Onslow Stevens, out of prison on trumped up charges, another suspect ironically in the only briefly seen doctor's murder. Stevens isn't bad, but is a rather ordinary leading man and doesn't share much chemistry with the fiery Gibson. An array of fascinating supporting characters helps this move along, especially Edward Van Sloan as a desperate scientist keeping to himself a horrible secret. Warren Hymer adds amusement as a bumbling cab driver who had the misfortune of running over the dying Crosby just as he was taking his last breath. Then, there's John Wray as a mob informant with sticky fingers and loose lips who fears being released into custody could mean his date with cement shoes.

This has a great build-up but a weak revelation defuses everything that happens before hand. For much of this Universal programmer, it reminds me of the type of film that James Whale was doing at the time, although it was Edwin Marin who directed it. A great cast of character actors includes some surprising bits, with Skeets Gallagher and Alan Dinehart as the law, Barbara Weeks as Gibson's not so loyal maid, and unbilled cameos by Mischa Auer and Walter Brennan. The build-up to the four suspects being brought together and how the law deals with them is fascinating to watch, and a confrontation scene between Gibson and Van Sloan is riveting, with a surprising flashback that truly is shocking. The final shot of the film after the disappointing conclusion is amusing, however, involving an ironic occurrence, and will give you one final laugh at one of the character's expense.
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