Zoey 101 (2005–2008)
Are you serious?
30 July 2017
This show, just like Drake and Josh, iCarly, Victorious, etc.. was its prime.

This show showed friendship and it was a new way of viewing comedy for kids. It also showed us how unlikely friends can become friends and even more than friends (Logan and Quinn). It gave us a glance of a new way of comedy and especially for Nickelodeon, I get why people hated it. It was unrealistic. Yeah I'll agree with that. But shows like this aren't meant to be realistic. It's the message within the show. And the message was no matter what you look like, whether you're a nerd like Quinn, or a well known person around campus like Zoey, they're all treated the same. Even though they can bag on each other from time to time, they always come around and make things better by apologizing and realizing their mistakes and what they've done.

Acting for this time wasn't so bad. I'm reading comments from 2005- 2010 and I'm thinking to myself "You have no idea whats next for television if you didn't like this". Because after Drake and Josh and iCarly, TV went straight downhill. All those Nickelodeon shows and even Disney shows are TRASH. Should have enjoyed what you had until it was gone. Guess people didn't know.

Comparing the writing 10 years ago compared to now, would you rather prefer the story lines of today kids shows? I'll wait. Compare the story lines from 10 years ago and today. Yeah, you'd rather have Zoey 101. It's an obvious choice. I think people back then expected a lot back then from All That and those other early 2000's shows and I don't blame them. I think Dan Schneider did a great job with this show and was amazing overall.

"They all have computers, they have flat screen TV's!" It's not a realistic fking show. Stop acting like it should be. It's a kids show.

The message is clear and and I can't believe so many people didn't like it. I had to come on here to realize how many people really didn't like it. I used to think everyone loved it. This would have to be one of my top 3 shows ever.
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