Two Tars (1928)
An escalation of vandalism on the open road.
3 August 2017
Laurel and Hardy scored another comedy masterpiece about vandalism on the open road and on a rather grand scale! In "Two Tars," Stan and Ollie play two sailors who are enjoying some shore leave for a few hours. After becoming acquainted with two young ladies, they all take off in a rented car for some fun. Unfortunately, there is a considerable traffic jam on this long stretch of open road. In the world inhibited by Stan and Ollie, it never takes long or very much for the people around them to display any kind of hostility toward them. Such is the case here. Edgar Kennedy begins the trouble as one of many irate drivers. We see one action of vandalism after another and committed by one and all! It is all orchestrated and edited superbly. This has a generous dose of location shooting, not that Laurel and Hardy needed much of that in order to be funny.
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