Tales from the Crypt: The Man Who Was Death (1989)
Season 1, Episode 1
The Governor should definitely watch this great episode.....
13 August 2017
This is one of my favorite episode apart from All thru... from the first season. Saw this in the early 90s n had seen all the 93 episodes n spin off movies. Revisited it recently. This episode is about an electrician (William Sadler), who works as an executioner in a penitentiary. The acting by Sadler is top notch. How he keeps the viewers glued in by just talking to the camera. Also how he makes fun of all the criminals who are about to receive death penalty by his electrocution. Thru TV news we n him r informed that the death penalty has been done away with. Later after being jobless, Sadler becomes a vigilante. He starts killing criminals who are let off by the court. His execution style is still the same, death by electrocution. The episode is very well directed n acted. The dark humour is top notch.
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