The Butter Battle Book (1989 TV Movie)
Doonesbury cartoonist Gary Trudeau documented that . . .
14 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Red Commie KGB Chief Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin began fingering his sock puppet Don Juan Rump toward America's once-respectable White House in 1989. Dr. Seuss nailed this emerging threat to America at this time (that is, 28 years ago) by including ALL of the most deranged elements of Putin's Deplorable Rump Administration within the 24 minutes spanned by BUTTER BATTLE BOOK. As most American Media Outlets predict the END of Life as We Knew It will occur Tomorrow (that is, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017) because Rump and his counterpart madman in North Korea BOTH have their itchy trigger fingers hovering over their respective Nuclear Missile Launch Buttons, this moment is perfectly captured by BUTTER's Yook and Zook leaders on the brink of Mutually Assured Destruction from their own "Itsy Bitsy Big Boy Boom-Er-Roo" weapons as this animated short concludes on an ambiguous note. The entire cartoon takes place at or near the Great Wall of Rump, and Dr. Seuss is surely quoting Rump at some future date when the Yook Grandpa boasts "with my Triple Sling Jigger, I sure felt bigger!" Putin's Secretary for U.S. Miseducation, Billionairess Betsy "Amway Calling" DeVos, even makes a cameo appearance here at 2:45, as she leads the tykes of Yook in a brainwashing song at one of her for-profit Charter Bamboozling Shacks.
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