Early Shaw Brothers classic
25 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
HAVE SWORD WILL TRAVEL is one of the earliest Shaw Brothers films featuring the classic 'iron triangle' of youthful stars David Chiang and Ti Lung alongside Shaw's best director, Chang Cheh. Be warned, this is more of a character piece than an action movie, given that the only real action is at the opening and the climax, but for once the non-action bits are just as engaging as the swordplay.

Ti Lung and Ching Li play a betrothed couple who become involved in protecting an upstanding lord's valuables. Unfortunately the lord has been left weak and a ruthless bandit leader, played by studio regular Ku Feng, has designs on the shipment. He sets up an ambush, at which point the wandering swordsman hero David Chiang comes into play. What follows is beautifully-shot and involving, with Lung playing a pretty unpleasant character while Li holds things together through her charm. Chiang is typically excellent throughout. The lavish, lengthy climax offers all the bloodshed, fine choreography, and heroism you've been waiting for.
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