Review of Get Out

Get Out (I) (2017)
Unexpectedly good
31 August 2017
When I had finished watching this, I felt the film-viewing equal of 'Wow, that was a really satisfying meal!' And I had really not been expecting it to be as good as it was. I don't mean that I thought it would be trash or b-grade. I just wasn't expecting something so powerful really, as a horror, as a dark comedy, as satire and as social commentary.

I loved this film's use of metaphors. Others here have drawn attention to the themes of covert racism that is a disease of power, control and dominance of whites over blacks whilst projecting a smiling, friendly face. Yes. Absolutely. And also about cultural appropriation; admiration and envy for those attributes of a people where there is no respect for the people as fully human beings, even often as not fully sentient beings, less than animals.'Stuff' to be exploited for one's own benefit. I am very sure this is what the 'dark place' alludes to, being pushed into a place of nowhere as your world is gradually stolen from you.

The humour in this that is not really satire, is found in relief scenes centred around Chris's (the victim) best friend who senses something is NQR from the beginning but cannot persuade his friend of this.

I look forward to more from this writer/director.
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