The conclusion invalidates key argument
8 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's sad that some viewers might follow the advice in the movie and die unnecessarily or sooner.

Spoiler alert.

The conclusion of the movie asks us to imagine what if the average cost to treat a cancer patient is $35K (with alternative natural treatments) instead of $500K (with mainstream treatments). That invalidates the key reason for lack of clinical trials to prove the effectiveness of the alternative treatments. i.e. Trials are expensive and one couldn't make enough money from cheap remedies (like vitamin C) to justify the costs.

If the insurance companies can save $500K - $35K = $465K on each cancer patient, why wouldn't they kill to fund the trials? We have more than 1.6 million new cancer cases each year just in the US alone. That's $465K x 1.6 million = $744 billion of saving in a single year. And the savings will keep on accumulating year after year. Wouldn't that be enough money to fund all the trials and then some?
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