The fact that Disney does NOT have a "Censored Eleven" List . . .
4 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . of its "Silly Symphonies" and other animated shorts from the 1900s is NOT because Warner Bros.' Looney Tunes were MORE Racist than Disney's Demeaning Put-Downs. It's because Warner Bros. sports an often too-sensitive Corporate Conscience (please excuse the oxymoron), while the Soul-less Disney MegaCorp never possessed even a modicum of Civilized Responsibility. Most Disney cartoons would need to be Banned and Deep-Sixed IF some future "House of Mouse" Reformers ever decide to follow Warner's lead. Take THE GODDESS OF SPRING, for instance. A White Chick is abducted to Hell (3:20), where a circle of gleeful Black "imps" dance and prance around her, singing their "Hi-Dey Hades" ditty (3:45). This is an obvious Cheap Trick by Old Walt's Racist Crew to besmirch Cab Calloway's "Hi-Dee Ho" song, then topping the charts among America's Black Community. Scores of Blacks were mutilated and lynched in the Jim Crow Confederate Red Southern States as these Black Imps assailed Disney's White GODDESS OF SPRING. Emmett Till's killers viewed this Racial Hatchet Job at least 27 times as their Deplorable Characters formed during their Disney-Corrupted Childhoods.
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