Review of The Bureau

The Bureau (2015–2020)
Among the best TV ever produced
21 October 2017
As an avid watcher of films and TV series, I've been on IMDb for quite a while, but I've never written a review, even though I casually read reviews from other users. However, this is the first time I feel I need to urge everyone reading this to watch this TV series.

There are loads and loads of TV series about different fields of the intelligence sector, but few of them succeed in being as smart as the agencies they are trying to depict. With Le Bureau des Légendes, it's the other way around. As a viewer, you are constantly being left to guess what everyone's next move is, knowing only little or nothing at all, just like intelligence work in real life.

Agents constantly have to think at least three or four steps ahead and even if you succeed with your first move, there is no guarantee at all that the remaining moves will be successful. As all those actions are being taken on risk assumptions, it makes the series a gripping ride and makes you constantly feel like you're on the edge. The writers, actors and camera men pull this off brilliantly, much thanks to the outstanding writing which makes every single TV episode feel like a miniature movie. If you do some research about how the show was made, you'll notice that part of the production got never before authorized access (even though limited) to real life DGSE, which really shows off.

However, it's not only down to the writing, but to the acting and filming as well. The casting crew has done an amazing job. You can feel the chemistry between the actors and especially from Mathieu Kassovitz and Jean-Pierre Darroussin who bless us with amazing performances.

I don't want to make this review into a TL;DR piece, so I will shortly summarize by saying that Le Bureau des Légendes is one of the most intelligent, tense, gripping and brilliantly acted espionage dramas I've ever seen. The series, which just gets better with every season, is among the best TV ever produced. If you're reading this and you haven't decided if you'll watch it or not - don't wait, as it'll not wait for you.
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