The Walking Dead: Mercy (2017)
Season 8, Episode 1
I know it is just fantasy but
23 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm starting to find the physiology of the 'walkers' more believable than the behaviour of the humans. OK - like most arm-chair zombie-survivors, I'm full of ideas of what I'd do in their place, but surely with all of the paramilitary ordinance Rick's crew seems to have found, there'd be one rifle capable of hitting Negan when he is out front of his lair pontificating (if only to shut him up). Also, why does no one wear any of the abandoned body-armour and helmets that must be floating around – I know that it's post-apocalyptic chic to wear a motley collection of scavenged sports equipment or a bad-ass duster, but they are going to war after all. What really puzzles me about their end-of-days societies is that nobody rides a bicycle (it would be faster than walking, could get around any traffic pile-up, uses no fuel, and won't attract the undead). All that aside, this is an OK, if somewhat predictable, season opener, lots of action to 'set the hook' but little resolution. All of the primary characters are back in play in the main plot line, which is good. Give it an extra rating-point if you like lots of gruesome 'walker' shots.
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