Review of Mercy

The Walking Dead: Mercy (2017)
Season 8, Episode 1
Congratulations. TWD is now worse than Fear TWD
25 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible. Absolutely terrible.

I was hooked on Walking Dead for its first 5 seasons. It was some of the bravest drama on television. It wasn't afraid to kill off main characters when their deaths heightened the drama.

Then came seasons 6 and 7 and suddenly it morphed into The 100 With Zombies. and now on the pilot ep of S8, it's become as badly written and inconsistent as Fear The Walking Dead. That takes some doing. Self-sabotage? I'm not sure, but surely some of the cast must read these scripts and think, "WTF has happened to this show?"

For two seasons now, intelligent characters have done dumb things. Negan has been bulletproof. Rick can shoot a zombie at 100 metres, but can't shoot Negan with a machine gun at 10m.

Zombies now just walk past fallen people. The priest was never in ANY danger. In S1-5, he would have been eaten alive.

This episode has THE MOST COMPLICATED plan - of luring hundreds of zombies for miles toward the Saviors' hideout - when they could have just used guns.

Bullets are in short supply, but that doesn't stop the good guys wasting thousands of them shooting at a building.

Negan is now a bullet-proof cartoon villain who spouts poorly-written T shirt slogans to bore people off the idea of shooting him. Even the Priest, armed with a rifle, can't be bothered to aim it. Despite being brave enough to escape a zombie hoard, the priest is now frozen with fear as Negan steps out of the shadows.

Rick's dream sequence! Why are we now relying on dream sequences to instill some mystery into the drama? You could add a laugh track to that dream sequence of Rick waking up as an old man it wouldn't seem out of place on Saturday Night Live.

TERRIBLE. Another 15 episodes of this. To think what it used to be and what it has become.
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