Halloween Review #24: Strange..
25 October 2017
So,where I got the idea of reviewing a crappy Horror Channel thriller like Inhuman Resources,I don't know,while I was reviewing Cube,it kind of just came to me,did anybody else have that feeling,that this was like Cube..anyway,Inhuman Resources,or also known as Redd. Inc,is about a bunch of strangers who are strapped to a desk in front of a computer and forced to write like an SA or something and if they refuse..they die..and if you do something wrong,you get a cut across the face..was'int it? Anyway,so obviously,Redd. Inc is nothing special,its a crappy horror film with lots of gore that hopes,somewhere,it will premiere on TV on a crappy channel like Sony Channel and maybe even spawn its own DVD produced by a crappy company like Signature..ha,but I actually admire Redd. Inc,its one of the cool,low budget horror films,now,if this did not have all the horrible gore in it as well as the cheesy lines where the guy like repeats hes gonna kill the villain and just as hes saying that sentence the villain like,cuts his head off or something,this could be a rather good horror film. Redd. Inc is a OK horror film with a bit too much gore and maybe a bit too much "i'm gonna kill you" scenes,but otherwise..ya,rather good. Stay tuned guys,Halloween is not over yet so get ready for still some classics like Rosemary's Baby,The Texas Chainsaw Massacre as well as the new Jigsaw,which will be up on Sunday and I will try to review The Ritual soon,but probably will be after Halloween due to it not being in my local cinema or online
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