The Walking Dead: Mercy (2017)
Season 8, Episode 1
Action packed episode.
29 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I read numerous reviews of this episode and agree with the complaints; however, as a stand alone episode I was entertained. Some have complained that there was no explanation as to where the weapons and ammo came from: the answer is from the group on the beach. Remember in "Swear" there was a truck on a bridge that was abandoned and full of walkers; underneath the sawdust and walkers was what appeared to be thousands of rounds of ammo (that was a HINT).

The guns came from THE BEACH.

There were people who where lying about (killed) after the blast of gunfire, but none of the main protagonists were killed; Negan could have been wounded because I thought I saw him limp as he ran for cover. The reason the writers did this was to give us action and have the main characters interact, but not kill anyone they will use later.

Obviously Negan is a big part of the future. I would not be surprised if several episodes be dedicated to Negan to explain how such a moron come to lead the Saviors. Heck, they might even show him as a bully in the halls of his grade school taking money from other students smaller than him. The problem I have with Negan is how can he rule the Saviors, but be so damned stupid at the same time. Nobody has taken this puerile idiot out yet?

There was a point where Negan ran into a shelter that also had Father Gabriel. Had the padre one shot in his gun, he should have IMMEDIATELY killed Negan. He hesitated! If the writing makes any sense at all for the future, Negan should bash the father's brains in with Lucille at that point without talking. We are in a war...right? If Negan starts to talk about his penis size, or whether Gabriel should soil his pants (which he does ad nauseam), I might turn the channel.

I am currently watching The Game of Thrones and Walking Dead could follow their example as to what makes good writing: don't talk too much. When they say castrate...they mean it. Taking off a head and putting in on a pike is the norm. What is with the walking dead getting all mushy and feely about politically correct crap?

A reason for hope: as the show was bouncing around from future to present and so forth, I saw Rick walk up to an enemy man and shove his knife in him from behind and then walk off like it was nothing more than scratching his nose. OK...that is what I want to see more of! That was a GOOD point in this episode! ALSO, where is Michone is all of this? She is a warrior...use her as such! Carol and Morgan seem to be over the touchy feely BS they felt in the past and are ready for action.

Bottom line...I hope the writers consider the intelligence of the audience in the future and write accordingly. I do hear you out there that complain. However, when I first watched the show without reading comments, I gave in an 8 in my opinion, so that is where I will stand with the hope things improve.
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