Loose Change (2005 Video)
Trailblazing documentary that accelerated the 9/11 Truth Movement
5 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to the "Trivia" sections claims that the History Channel debunked all claims in this documentary, time is proving them correct. I was serving in the US Navy, and was asked by family and friends why we were in Iraq, and how did we know who the real perpetrators' of 9/11 were. I was incensed that they would even consider that our government's explanation was incorrect, and began a two year long search for answers to their questions, assuming my government would be vindicated, and our cause justified. I was wrong. I found "Loose Change" and its two follow ups about half way into my search. They were gut wrenching. When you follow the money...when you view those events and just let your own common sense determine what happened...you soon discover that, at the very least, our government's version is sheer nonsense. I suffered from cognitive dissonance for awhile, but my Christian faith forced me to pursue the truth, no matter where it ultimately lead me. Loose Change helped me to face some hard questions, such as, "How do four 'known to be hijacked aircraft' fly for almost an hour in restricted air space and not be intercepted by military aircraft?" And, "How do three modern, concrete and reinforced steel skyscrapers collapse, uniformly, and into their own footprints because of fires?", And, "Why is there no mention in the '9/11 Commission Report' of police and firefighter testimony of 'explosions' in all three buildings, prior to their collapse; and why is WTC 7 not even mentioned in the report?" The History Channel's hit piece was flawed and vague, providing much conjecture and provided little in the way of forensic facts that adhere to the fundamentals of physics.

The writers/producers of the Loose Change series, and those 9/11 Truther documentaries and websites that rose up afterward will all be vindicated. I only hope it happens before our country is ruined by the perpetrators that are actually to blame.
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