Good Documentary
13 November 2017
Hollywood on Trial (1976)

*** (out of 4)

In 1975 The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was basically closed and it ended a very dark period for both the government and Hollywood. The following year Hollywood would somewhat fight back or show their side with the release of this documentary as well as the Woody Allen film THE FRONT.

Of the two, there's no question that THE FRONT is the better of the two but this documentary serves an important purpose because it does feature some terrific footage from the actual trials as well as some current interviews that are rather priceless and especially since so many of those people are no longer with us. We get interviews from the likes of Edward Dmytryk, Otto Preminger, Martin Ritt, Ronald Reagan and various others.

John Huston serves as the narrator and he's got a terrific voice so listening to him is a major plus. For the most part Hollywood ON TRIAL is a film that will appeal to history and film buffs but at the same time there have been better documents out there. This one here is a bit too dry for its own good but one must remember that it was the first to tackle the subject.
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