Parasyte Part 2: Watchable stuff, but underwhelming
19 November 2017
I still haven't gotten around to watching the Parasyte anime, I hear mixed things. I did however watch the first Parasyte live action film and found myself entertained, it was good stuff.

The sequel following directly on is more of the same but lacked the novelty value of the first and I found myself rather disappointed by it.

Full of frantic fast paced actions sequences, a continuation of the originals plot and decent sfx I'm not saying it's bad by any means I'm simply saying it's underwhelming as a sequel.

Maybe this is a travesty compared to the anime like the live action Attack On Titan movies were, maybe the live action is better alike Assassination Classroom. Time will tell, but I'm not upset there are no more Parasyte movies after this one.

The Good:

Follows on from the first film

Looks great

The Bad:

Messy plot

I still think Migi looks ridiculous

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

If a mothers last wish is that you take care of her baby, seconds after she dies dump it on the first person you see

Teenage boy with a creature for a right hand, there are so many questions/jokes here I wouldn't even know where to start
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