Unleashed (I) (2016)
22 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
One of the greatest joys you can have watching movies is discovering something that no one else you know has seen and being able to share with them something fantastic that you've found. Those movies that are well made in every sense of the word yet are obscure because no one who backed the film was confident enough to release it wide and instead released it straight to DVD. UNLEASHED is one of those movies.

Kate Miccuci stars as Emma, a software developer and astronomy lover whose latest effort was stolen by her boyfriend who passed it off as his own as he dumps her. Heartbroken she packs up her belongings as well as her dog Sam and cat Diego and moves across the country. She finds a place, lands a new job and meets a nice guy named Carl (Sean Astin) who is a handyman taking care of her apartment building.

While Emma doesn't notice Carl is taken with her she wishes that she could meet a guy who understands her as much as her pets do. The stars align and her wish comes true, sort of. Both Sam and Diego transform into human beings but outside of the house having run out when Carl accidentally left the door open. On the streets and unclothed they begin to find ways to survive.

Here is where some of the most hilarious moments in the film kick in. Both transformed pets continue to display the attitudes that they had while animals. Sam (Steve Howey) is kind of goofy, muscular and ready to play all the time. He finds work as a personal trainer when a group of wannabe joggers see him running at the park.

Diego (Justin Chatwin) on the other hand is all feline. He slinks about giving the air of sensuality that lands him a gig as the newest male model in town. He gives them his name and uses the background of a soap opera star he saw in a show watched with Emma.

As the animals are finding their way in the world they both continue to worry about their owner Emma. And Emma them as well searching the neighborhood for the pair. Helping her is Carl who has printed up a ton of wanted posters for the animals and tacked them up throughout the neighborhood. Here is where she finally recognizes that maybe he's a nice guy after all.

But Sam and Diego are still there this time in human form. Both of them try to get into the good graces of Emma by dating her. With Carl on the backburner she's taken by both for all the wrong reasons. It is left to be seen if she will realize that Carl is who she was meant to be with or not. We're also left to wonder what will become of her two constant companions in human form.

Not only does this become an issue but Emma has a run in with her ex-boyfriend, the jerk who stole her program. You may want her to punch him in the nose but the truth is you hope for something more terrible to happen to him, a comeuppance.

Well made from a technical aspect the movie looks great. The writing here is wonderful with some truly side splitting lines. But it is the actors who make this entire film work. Miccuci, recognizable from her performances as Raj's girlfriend Lucy on THE BIG BANG THEORY, has a great sense of comic timing and displays a vulnerability that makes you want the best for her. She anchors the performances around her.

Astin does a great job as well playing Carl. He's the kind of guy you wish someone you cared for would meet. But it is Chatwin and Howey that steal the show. Their deliveries of the animals turned human are a visual treat to watch as they take on the characteristics of said pets. Words cannot describe how hilarious those moments are in the film.

Chances are most places you look to rent this will either not have a copy or it will be buried. It is treasure worth seeking out. As a matter of fact for me it's a movie I know I'll want to pull off the shelf and watch every now and then in those moments where I need a smile. This movie provides plenty of those moments.
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