Amityville Death House (2015 Video)
Amityville Death House: Another dreadful Amityville cashin
23 November 2017
Despite watching wall to wall dreadful Amityville films for some reason I had higher hopes for this one. I thought the cover art was fantastic, almost a homage to old B movies and I wanted to see what was going on with this big boobed spider woman! Alas I was foolish in my expectations and yet again this blatant cash grab failed to deliver on every front. And the spider woman? Well there is one, barely.....but that isn't her on the cover.

With yet another baffling storyline, clear budget limitations and awful cast this can be put on the shelf right alongside all the other embarrassing Amityville efforts.

The Good:

Interesting covert art

The Bad:

Cover art is a lie

Shoddy camera work

Eric Roberts is just terrible here

Awful deaths

Effects are just pitiful

Mysterious whispers have never worked

Why cast Eric Roberts if you aren't even going to show his face?
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