My New Guilty Pleasure Next to Wild, Wild West with Will Smith
25 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In no way is "Manos: The Hands of Fate" a good movie, but it is one where you leave your brain at the door and enjoy it! I admit to liking things other people hate like the movie "Wild, Wild West" and old episodes of "Full House.". I discovered "Manos" when Jackey Neyman (Debbie) wrote about her experience of doing this film with her father, the late Tom Neyman (the Master). She was only 6 or 7-years-old at the time.

This movie was the brainchild of fertilizer salesman, Harold P. Warren. It's a tragedy when someone is on their deathbed and they regret one or more dreams they didn't make true! The dreams can be anything from writing a book, traveling through Europe or making a movie despite having zero experience in the art of movie making. I guess Mr. Warren wanted to be known for more than fertilizer and the movie was on his bucket list.

Our heroes of this piece are Harold P. Warren who also wrote and directed as Michael. Diane Adelson as his wife, Margaret and Jackey as little Debbie. They also have their little dog named Peppy with them. They are traveling by car and wind up at the home of the Master amidst cops on duty and two teens making out in their car. Michael, Margaret and Debbie end up at the Master's house. They are greeted by Torgo (the late John Reynolds) who committed suicide after the filming. He is quite memorable as this creature who is part man/part satyr. He also was heavy in the drug scene and his twitchy and jerky performance is the result of LSD.The budget for the movie was so low he wore metallic rigging under his pants to give the impression of satyr legs.

The family is invited into the house by Torgo and they see a picture of the Master on the wall. The Master is sinister-looking and wears a black robe with red hands painted on the front in giant proportions. He is shown with his evil-looking dog. Jackey says this dog was the family pet and not evil at all! The Master has brides dressed in white gowns. All of the brides are asleep in one room and are standing up in that state. The Master is sleeping lying down. The brides wake up and argue about the family. Torgo wants Margaret as his bride but the Master won't allow it! He has his brides massage Torgo to death. Another death happens to Peppy by the Master's dog.

The family escape into the desert on foot because their car doesn't work. People in scary movies act like morons! The family could escape and find the cops or the face- sucking teens to help them, but they don't! They go back to the house and are captured. Now Michael is the guard of the house and Margaret and Debbie are the new brides. This movie is terrible in every conceivable way! The acting is awful from all except for the Master and Torgo! The scenery goes on forever and I was scratching my head at the necking teens because they had no place in the movie. This movie is a guilty pleasure and you feel bad if you like it. On "Modern Family" Phil and Clare said one of their guilty pleasures was going to the theatre and watching bad movies. I like good movies but I also like bad movies if I can find something good in them. The lates Tom Neyman and John Reynolds were both great in their roles as villains and they made this movie so bad it's good!
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