Operation Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
27 November 2017
I have tremendous respect for the military. A movie like this always makes me nervous because I hope that the movie makers don't inadvertently cause anguish for those who live it.

This movie deals with a lot of emotional issues for those in the military. The family left behind have a difficult life and for many of them, the emotional situation is not helped by the financial situation. As for the emotions of family of someone you know is going into the most dangerous situations possible, I am pretty sure I couldn't do it. This is what Olivia has never faced before and she has already lost a husband to divorce. And she tries to make an honest decision. I totally disagree with one statement made by her sister (when you see it you will know what I mean).

Tricia Helfer has an emotional role and for me, this is one of the better performances I can remember on a made for TV movie (or a someone put it, the so-called B actors). This was not a B movie performance. Over and over she captured the raw emotion.

The story was excellent even if perhaps some technical details were incorrect. The way the story was introduced at Whisper and then finished at the base was great. Seeing the lives of wives waiting at home, including a pregnant one was great. Seeing the toy drive and fundraiser put together was great. And there was plenty of good singing. (And even some bad singing for humor.) The other actors were good. Some of the scenery in the beginning gives reality to the word breathtaking.

This is a Hallmark movie. It has a Hallmark ending. They all do. You expect that.
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