Review of Travelers

Travelers (2016–2018)
Entertaining, well developed science fiction series
14 December 2017
I'm really picky about the science fiction produced for TV, so I approached this series with considerable skepticism. After the first 2 episodes, I felt a binge coming on, put everything on pause and ran out to the grocery store to grab popcorn with extra movie butter and a 6-pack. That is my graphic for a rating between of 8 or over--worth breaking your diet for!

I'm a big fan of Fringe and lately of Colony & The Expanse. What these shows have in common is a strong cast of characters, specifically a close-knit ensemble that works together on a mission to save the world and defeat the threat. Travelers resembles Fringe in many ways (though just a step below in cinematically imaginative storytelling technique). But you bond with these travelers--soldiers from the future sent back to the 21st century to save the planet from destruction--and empathize over their unique challenges. They are always tested in surprising ways, governed by Protocols that determine how they should behave--"leave the future in the past."

If you liked the Fringe, you'll love this series!
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