Upstart Crow (2016–2020)
Blackadder it ain't ...
28 December 2017
... though everything - I mean, everything - is too derivative of the 198Os sitcom. The soundtrack, the set up, the elaborate figures of speech, pick anything. Mitchell's acting and manner of speaking, and even tone of voice, is obviously a copy of Rowan Atkinson's Edmund Blackadder. Bottom would be Baldrick. Marlowe would be Lord Falsheart, Lord Southampton will remind you of Lord Melchett, and on and on. I think Elton tried to revive Blackadder, but there are some successes that simply cannot be repeated.

Those who are not acquainted with Blackadder might like this (it has some funny moments, and they do make some clever ... well, play upon Shakespeare plays). But those of us who are fans of that incomparable comedy (I have the whole series and watch it at least once a year) cannot help making comparisons. And Upstart Crow is certainly the one that loses by the comparison.

Watch it and make up your own mind, by all means. I find it funny at times, but ... I'd much rather watch returns of Blackadder.
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