Maaaark Daaaaamon
30 December 2017
Mark Damon and his twin brother Mark Damon are academic types out to find the ancient ring of Nibelungen for reasons that passed me by. The two are quite different - one is a bookish, academic type who has an amulet to protect him and the other is a hunky type who steals the amulet and heads off to a creepy castle, stopping on the way to bed a local innkeeper's daughter. He gets her in the sack when she tells him that the local creepy castle calls five virgins from the village every year who fall into a trance and walk up to the castle. Hunky Mark effectively says he'll save her life by popping her cherry - looks like another Italian film with a feminist agenda is well underway.

He gets to the castle and finds a dozy-looking maid who tells him that the sexy countess isn't around and he might as well have a trippy walk around the castle. After finding the tombs, and hearing strange screaming,he finds the maid dead in one of the coffins, and heads back to the castle to find sexy Rosalba Neri who is definitely not an evil vampire. Rosalba hits it off with Hunky Mark when she introduces the alive again maid, but to keep your mind off of why nothing up to this point makes any sense, Rosalba gets Hunky Mark in the sack for some filthy squeezy, then turns into a giant bat and bites him.

By this time Nerd Mark arrives at the castle and doesn't believe Rosalba when she says his brother wasn't there. Just when you think the last scene is going to repeat itself Rosalba gives Nerd Mark some drugs and while he's rolling about laughing gets the maid in the sack instead and has her pour blood all over her naked body. Up periscope!

This is all leading to the big virgin sacrificing scene where one brother has to rescue the other brother from a sexy vampire and although Luigi Betzella is associated with bottom of the barrel trash like the Beast in Heat, this is a decent film with a lot of effective scenes, and one particularly hilarious one of someone superimposed in front of a giant real bat. I'm not the hugest vampire film fan in the world so if I like it then it must have something good going for it.

There are also a huge amount of nude scenes in this one too, most of them by Rosalba Neri. There's a rat staring at me. Not much else to say, except that the image of Roslba emerging from a crypt nude and covered in blood is one you won't forget in a hurry,
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