The Grey Fox (1982)
It's been released on DVD but...
11 January 2018
There is a DVD PAL version available from the German manufacturer Schroder Media. Unfortunately the print they made it from appears to be a much-played 16mm print, complete with scratched-in cue marks, dust, grime, and the unsteadiest telecine work this side of Frankfurt. The footage itself is so de-saturated it looks like someone left the print out in sunlight. And the art work of the cover features a painting of a bunch of cowboys a' whoopin' n' hollarin' through town - but certainly doesn't come from this film. Save yourself the money and disappointment, and wait until Zoetrope Studios solves whatever copyright problems may be buzzing around it, and gives us a decent, ideally blu-ray, version of the film. And there's a "Making Of..." doc kicking around Vancouver somewhere.
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