Poirot: Wasps' Nest (1991)
Season 3, Episode 5
Sad ending to a story loaded with intrigue
5 February 2018
Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings are invited to visit a friend in the country, only to find mystery galore. Poirot is stung by a wasp, but can he stop anything more deadly from happening? Captain Hastings lends a hand with his film darkroom, his latest hobby. Chief Inspector Japp is hospitalized with appendicitis. This one has a sad ending, with a different twist than most Poirot mysteries.

Poirot shows his squeamishness in this episode. After Japp's appendectomy, Poirot and Hastings visit him in the hospital. Japp says he wondered if the anesthesia was properly administered, because he thought he could feel every incision and move of the doctor. At which point, Poirot quickly gets up and says that he and Hastings must leave.

As with all of the films of this and other Agatha Christie mysteries, I appreciate the great resources the English have for making old movies. The land, castles, old buildings are one thing. But the great numbers and varieties of vintage cars in so many street scenes are most impressive. Also, the dress and other costuming of the period.

"Wasps' Nest" is an excellent story of intrigue in the Christie and Poirot series. Here are some favorite lines from the film.

Captain Hastings, "I thought a nice afternoon at a garden fete might cheer him up a bit." Chief Inspector Japp, "Hmm. About the only thing that's gonna cheer him up today is the discovery of a body in a lucky dip."

Captain Hastings, "You're not planning to use the bathroom for the next half hour or so, are you Poirot?" Hercule Poirot, "Well, let me check with my diary, Hastings. No, it would seem not." Hastings, "Good. If you need me, you know where I am." He sets up a darkroom in the bathroom.

Hercule Poirot, after being stung by a wasp, "The open air - it should be closed during the summer. Captain Hastings - he wonders why I have a hatred for these crawling, buzzing things; and the reason is, they're always trying to kill me."
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