A lot of folks think that "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" . . .
8 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . were pivotal in allowing America to defeat her sneak attackers and triumph with a resounding victory in World War Two, but THE BATTLE OF MIDWAY proves that these successful nuclear bombings were merely the icing on the U.S. cupcakes. When Midway turned the tide on the Pacific Theater, future President Harry "I pushed the button" Truman was selling hats or something, and A-Bombs were not yet even a gleam in his eye. However, as the Japanese aircraft carriers that had blind-sided Pearl Harbor began littering the seabed around Midway, Japanese Prime Minister Tojo told the Emperor that he could already feel a hangman's noose tightening around his neck. How could he expect anything else, as THE BATTLE OF MIDWAY shows Japan always going out of its way to bomb U.S. hospitals and churches? But the hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers" blares as this war crimes carnage is documented during the final portion of THE BATTLE OF MIDWAY to remind viewers that God was on America's side.
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